jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009




Organizing things is not fun especially when you are the guy who is organizing plus you are placing the home and last minute inconveniences suck so hard like:
1. 1/2 of the people not being able to show up because of trips and school fucking events
1.5 Parents who over discus the meeting place and why other days they cant get together

2. car crashes (hate this shit)
3. Police
4. Angry parents
5. Parents who fucking overplan
6. Parents who fucking overplan every fucking month
7. Life events (yeah that pretty much includes the above)
8. Little brothers

I pretty much hate planning and organizing those are my two number one enemies because everything i do gets screwed up..... There was a law about this it said "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong" (laughs at titanic) LAWLAWLAWLAWlwall

Here are somethings that may help you not phailin... i mean failing at planning (damn i didnt plan that):
1. Don't do it to early
2. Don't do it to fucking late
3. dont do it at the second
4. Have a co-planner
5. Have a nice dose of caffeine
6. And have enough guts to go straight ahead with the problems on your shoulders

1 comentario:

  1. i do not agree; your worst enemy is not planning and organizing (altough they are pretty usless) your worst enemy is a comb :p
