jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009




Organizing things is not fun especially when you are the guy who is organizing plus you are placing the home and last minute inconveniences suck so hard like:
1. 1/2 of the people not being able to show up because of trips and school fucking events
1.5 Parents who over discus the meeting place and why other days they cant get together

2. car crashes (hate this shit)
3. Police
4. Angry parents
5. Parents who fucking overplan
6. Parents who fucking overplan every fucking month
7. Life events (yeah that pretty much includes the above)
8. Little brothers

I pretty much hate planning and organizing those are my two number one enemies because everything i do gets screwed up..... There was a law about this it said "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong" (laughs at titanic) LAWLAWLAWLAWlwall

Here are somethings that may help you not phailin... i mean failing at planning (damn i didnt plan that):
1. Don't do it to early
2. Don't do it to fucking late
3. dont do it at the second
4. Have a co-planner
5. Have a nice dose of caffeine
6. And have enough guts to go straight ahead with the problems on your shoulders

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009


Its fair and unfair but to some people its like a kick to teh balls!
Some of my friends have had a long time to adjust to life but sometimes its not so easy not for me anyway! but here is a list to help you a bit with your EVERY DAY life!


2. Dont go rushing into a fight
3. Go with people like Pugin and Joe Pino they are awesome ;D

4. If you have a psp buy MONSTER HUNTER T.T (one of the best games only mine broke!)
5. Go bother your neighbor sooooooooo much he changes cities
6. Help the bullied kid at school!
7. Say whats on your brain at the moment (except retarded things liek COOKIE!!z)
8. If there is beer there is a way!
9. If there is caffeine its a valid way for underage peps
10. If your about to suicide think: Wait life sucks but why must i accept this and give up it was made for an F*NG REASON then go kick a cat!
11. A wise man told me "If a problem has a solution then why worry?" Then he proceeded to say "And why worry when the problem has no solution?"
12. Get an xbox 360 ps3 and pc and play play till you forget why life sucked then bring some friends and play multiplayer games liek cod, gow, rockband, Halorz, aoe 2 and L4D!

13. Dont tell the girl you like her in a formal fashion your bound to get REJECTED

14. Play the legend of zelda (any is good but ocarina of time is teh best!)


16. NEVER GIVE UP NEVER SURRENDER! go with a friend and ask him for halp!


miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2009


Ya que la mayoria no puede entender lo que escribo /\/\& 3/\/()j[]^^[_](/-/() por eso voy a poner un diccionario para ayudar y al final voy a poner unos ejercicios.
A:4 or /\ or @ or /-\ or ^
B: 8 or 6 or |3 or |>
C: [ or ¢ or < or (
D: |) or o| or [)
E: 3 or & or £
F: |= or ph or |#
G: 9 or 6 or & or (_+
H: # or [-] or {=} or <~> or |-| or ]~[ or }{
I: 1 or ! or | or │
J: ,| or _| or ;
K: |< or |{ or ]{ or }<
L: 1 or | or |_ or #
M: //. or ^^ or |v| or [V] or {V} or |\/| or /\/\ or (u)
N: // or ^/ or |\| or /\/ or [\] or ]\[ or <\> or {\}
O: 0 or () or ¤
P: |^ or |* or |o or |> or |" or |?
Q: 9 or (,) or <| or ¶ or 0.
R: |2 or 2 or P\ or lz or [z
S: 5 or $ or z or §
T: 7 or + or -|- or 1
U: (_) or |_| or v
V: \/ or <
W: \/\/ or '// or \^/ or (n) or \V/
X: ><
Y: Y or '/ or `/ or V/ or \-/ or j or _v also ¥ or %
Z: 2 or z or ~\_ or ~/_
"Anything else, just isn't Leet enough."
Can you translate these fun, everyday 1337 phrases using everything you learned above!?!
1. ! @^^ 60!^/6 70 |*\/\/^/ y0(_) !^/70 7#& 6|20(_)^/|), y()|_| |=|_|(|\(!|\|6 1!||1& |\|&\^/8-(|_||\||. (level 9 difficulty)
2. y0(_) [@11 7#@7 @ |3@|2|2&1 |2011? ||-|!$ !$ @ |=|_|(|\(!|\|6 8@|2|2&1 |2()11! (level 8 difficulty)
3. ! 7u$7 #3@d$#07 y0u, n3w|3, @nd n0w !'m c0|2d!@11y 60!n6 70 73@|3@6 y0u. (level 5 difficulty.)
4. my gr4ndm4 c4n snip3 b3773r 7h4n y0u, y0u 4n41 134k4g3! (level 3 difficulty)
5. fsck j0u f4gg07! 1'm g01ng 70 g0 p14y m0r3 h410, wh3r3 p30p13 kn0w wh0 1 4m, y0u 7w47-5uck1ng 5h17fuck 0f 4 n3wb. (level 2 difficulty)
6. d15r3g4rd 7h47, 1 5uck c0ck5. (level 1)

Too tough? Not 1337 enough? Here are your answers:

1. Over the course of this game, I'm going to proceed to make you what some would consider my personal "bee-otch", you small person who is new to this specific game, and could be compared to some parts of the female reproductive organs.
2. Is that what you would consider a barrel roll, sir or madam? I believe you are mistaken- this is what you might consider a barrel roll.
3. I believe the shot I just annulled you with was one to the head, so in accordance to international first-person shooter rules, I'm going to stand above you and crouch down often, to show regret.
4. I have familial acquaintances that have a better trained ability to shoot a sniper rifle than yours, kind sir.
5. Pardon me, kind sir. I suppose my skills are far better trained than this game's measly offerings, so I'm going to return to the land from whence I came- a land full of eleven year olds and pedophiles. Goodbye!
6. Oh, never mind.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009


Hoy me di cuenta de las actitudes negativas de mi familia ya que hoy se pasaron con como se portaban.
Mi padre como persona que dirige los planes NO SIRVE ya que nomas le pedi que si podria salir poquito le dije el lugar y la hora pero nunca va a la hora ya que gracias a el e perdido muchas cosas como fiestas y peliculas hasta el viaje de intercambio que ya se que no puedo ir ya que EL nunca me dijo que tenia que hacer ni tampoco saco sus documentos >:O Y me cae mal ya que cuando yo hago lo mismo se encabrona y me regaña y cuando tengo que hacer cosas usa el sarcasmo para que yo no las aga y despues hace promesas falsas y tambien NOS MIENTE MUCHO

Mi madre es bien mala ya que a mi hermano le paso algo horrible (que no quiere contar) y ya no va a volver a salir (por su propia cuenta) pero de todos modos lo castigo

MI hermano menor ES BIEN PINCHE FASTIDIOSO le digo ve a jugar a otro lado pero nooooooo se queda gritando en el cuarto donde estan unas personas dormidos Y YO LO QUIERO GOLPEAR YA QUE NOSOTROS NO PODEMOS GRITAR PERO EL SI VERDAD PINCHE PREFERENCIA.

Mi hermanita nunca escucha lo que le dicen y siempre se lleva su manera sino empieza a llorar y resonga hasta que le llevemos a su manera... ME CHOCA

Mi hermano mayor es bien directo y eso no me gusta ya que soy debil con palabras y no tengo pensamiento rapido cuando formo oraciones


Ayer desde las 12:15 me fui a la casa del choob porque me habia invitado cuando llege me di cuenta que era la primera persona (la verdad siempre soy la primera persona porque vivo tan cercas) despues jugamos RE5 en profesional :D pero nos aburrimos de volada y tratamos de jugar AGE OF EMPIRES 2 pero no servia ya que no tiene internet.... DESPUES le dije "ei ei traigo el disco de rockband" (el disco que yo tengo no es rockband 1 ni el 2) y el se quedo OMGLOLROFLCOPTERWTFWDYTMB4 then we played rockband till octa came to El choobs house and we played till Sotam got out of his music class (clase de surfeo :3 no hay agua en juarez XD) despues de eso jugamos hasta las 7 cuando llegaron por mi al final me di cuenta que nomas hize:
1. cambiarme
2. comer
3. lavarme los dientes.
4. jugar video juegos
5. hablar por telefono
6. discutir con mi familia sobre los problemas familiares


domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

I am sad cuz of saturday

Ayer era sabado me desperte a las 4 de la mañana para poder hacer el trabajo pero me quede dormido despues de eso me levantaron y me dijieron que me vistiera para ir al paso, no queria pero tambien me lleve mi computadora todo el viaje me quede con no poder hacer nada ya que no hay para conectar mi computadora a la camioneta. despues de eso me llevaron a un "dog show" nomas me hicieron hacerme sentirme mal, luego fuimos con mi tio entonces senti ^.^ ya me salve pero no fuimos con mi tio nos abandonaron en cielo vista (otra vez)pero yo me quede con las llaves entonces no se fueron. Luego fuimos a comer a la langosta roja donde creo que me enferme del estomago. vi como mi primo llego a cinta negra en karate (y algo que lo violaron su alma o algo asi)despues Porfin me compraron unos nuevos tennis (despues de 3 años :D:D) y son iguales que mis otros tennis pero le cambie las shoelaces con unas verdes =D luego fuimos por nieve :D y agarre la deliciosa mente azquerosa mezcla de durazno con pastel de queso con panditas XD me esta dando asco T.T despues fuimos con mi primo a su cena de felicidad pero nos esperamos afuera del P.F. algo nose pero estabaa cercas de sunland luego despues de una hora y media yo y andi nos artamos de estar ahi y fuimos a sunland y andi compro una camiza y yo unos pockies =D pero no podia comer porque me esta dando asco y andi se los comio todos y toda la comida china me dio asco ayer tambien.......... Point is dont eat at red lobster or eat peach/cheesecake ice cream with gummy bears

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009

Un plan

Yo el otro dia me encontre esto en el internet y me quede >:D y so los pase a mis amigos tambien y pensamos hacerlo un dia:
Things to do in an elevator
1. Make race car noises when anyone gets on or off.
2. Blow your nose and offer to show the contents of your Kleenex to other passengers.
3. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering: "Shut up, all of you just shut UP!"
4. Whistle the first seven notes of "It's a Small World" incessantly.
5. Sell Girl Scout cookies.
6. On a long ride, sway side to side at the natural frequency of the elevator.
7. Shave.
8. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask: "Got enough air in there?"
9. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the elevator. Wear yours uspide-down.
10. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
11. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.
12. Lean over to another passenger and whisper: "Noogie patrol coming!"
13. Greet everyone getting on the elevator with a warm handshake and ask them to call you Admiral.
14. One word: Flatulence!
15. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that it stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go "plink" at the bottom.
16. Do Tai Chi exercises.
17. Stare, grinning, at another passenger for a while, and then announce: "I've got new socks on!"
18. When at least 8 people have boarded, moan from the back: "Oh, not now, damn motion sickness!"
19. Give religious tracts to each passenger.
20. Meow occasionally.
21. Bet the other passengers you can fit a quarter in your nose.
22. Frown and mutter "gotta go, gotta go" then sigh and say "oops!"
23. Show other passengers a wound and ask if it looks infected.
24. Sing "Mary had a little lamb" while continually pushing buttons.
25. Holler "Chutes away!" whenever the elevator descends.
26. Walk on with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
27. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce "You're one of THEM!" and move to the far corner of the elevator.
28. Burp, and then say "mmmm...tasty!"
29. Leave a box between the doors.
30. Ask each passenger getting on if you can push the button for them.
31. Wear a puppet on your hand and talk to other passengers "through" it.
32. Start a sing-along.
33. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "is that your beeper?"
34. Play the harmonica.
35. Shadow box.
36. Say "Ding!" at each floor.
37. Lean against the button panel.
38. Say "I wonder what all these do" and push the red buttons.
39. Listen to the elevator walls with a stethoscope.
40. Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your "personal space."
41. Bring a chair along.
42. Take a bite of a sandwich and ask another passenger: "Wanna see wha in muh mouf?"
43. Blow spit bubbles.
44. Pull your gum out of your mouth in long strings.
45. Announce in a demonic voice: "I must find a more suitable host body."
46. Carry a blanket and clutch it protectively.
47. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
48. Wear "X-Ray Specs" and leer suggestively at other passengers.
49. Stare at your thumb and say "I think it's getting larger.
50. Push someone off when the doors are closing.
51. try finding the missing button
52. find narnia

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


La mayoria del tiempo o vida de un noob se pasa la vida aburrida ya que los noobs no tienen gran mayoria de cosas interesantes que hacer aqui viene una lista de las cosas que puedes hacer para no aburrirte en tu larga vida:

1. find the triforce key (es necesario para dejar de ser newfag)
2. pasar todos los legend of zelda para gameboy (todos) y nintendo 64 gamecube y wii (te pasa la vida muy suave)
3. jugar un mmorpg como maplestory grandchase o algo como W.o.W. si estas dispuesto a pagar (es mas divertido si juegas todos los dias y hablas con todos a tu alrededor)
4. Jugar kingdom hearts (yeah its awesome XD
5. jugar con cmd (!caution may destroy your software)
6. usar facebook
7. usar twitter
8. jugar solitario (o buscaminas)
9. ver anime (o una serie como dexter)
10. buscar juegos de internet como epic battle fantasy (esta padre pero todo respeto a kupo707. http://www.kongregate.com/games/kupo707/epic-battle-fantasy)
11. matar zombies (pasas muchisimo tiempo aqui tambien)
12. agarrar "achievements"
13. Esto es brutal si llegan mas de nivel 23 son mis heroes http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=17727

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Who to trust

Noobs you must notice who you are trusting:

Brothers: Good you know someone and he's your brother he is awesome or the worst bully but fortunately for me he is awesome.
Friends: Here is how to notice if your friends are trust worthy
1. Do they ignore you when you talk to them even if they are in their little group or do they take a break and spend a time to talk to you or even include you to the group
2. Do you only see them when they are in need of help or do you see them all the time and no matter what idiotic thing you have planned they will follow it to the end
3. No matter how stupid your actions and reactions are do they still say they'll stay for some more time or will they leave on the first stupid remark you say
4. When you feel that you're mentally unstable do they even try to help? or worsen your condition on purpose

Cosas de no hacer

Ok cosas que unos noobs no deberia hacer:

1. No hackear computadoras (ni usar cmd)
2. Tratar de ser pro (eso se gana naturalmente)
3. Pelear contra un troll
4. Grafitiar
5. Ser D.J.
6. Hacer listas y trabajos complicados
7. jugar vencidas con Mainwaring
8. USAR /b/ (you guys know what i mean)
9. Buscar OFFENDED (not for weak willed and easily disturbed people)
10. Prestar video juegos a personas que no conoces
11. Tratar de instalar HardWare
12. Modificar Ipods y psps
13. tratar de modificar la linea temporal

Yo y la primera cosa noob que hago

soy un pro noob no mi importa como me dicen pero yo me llamo alexis o tambien me pueden decir alesis o alise me da igual. A mi me gusta una chica en mi escuela cuando le dije se frikio y ya no me habla entonces te dire:

1. No lo hagas despues de clases
2. Trata de conocer una manera mas informal de decir "te amo"
3. Si te sientes bateado cuando no te contesta o si te batea directamente
4. Nunca trates despues de cuatro años de esperar para tener confianza
5. consigue experiencia en platicar antes

Les posteare mas cosas despues